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Gerrit Jansz van DEVENTER het van Veldcamp in Nederlands na die Kaap gekom. Op 29 Oktober 1688 het hy getrou in Kaapstad met Ariaenje JACOBS, sy was "n weesmeisie van Rotterdam. Sy was gedoop op 25 Desember 1670 en was die dogter van Jacob Abrahamse en Heyltjie Ariens.

Ariaentjie Jacobs was een van 8 weesmeisies wat op die Skip Berg China na die Kaap gekom het. Sy was gedoop in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Rotterdam op 25 Desember 1670. Haar vader was Jacob die seun van Abraham en haar moeder was Heiltjie die dogter van Arie. Sy was 18 jaar oud toe sy van die Gereformeerde Burgerweeshuis in Rotterdam na die Kaap gekom het.

Johan van Deventer se navorsing meld dat, "Adriana Jacobs, dogter van Jacob Abrahamse en Heiltje Arijens, is gedoop te Rotterdam in Nederland op 25 Mei 1673. Haar ouer suster Ariaentje wat vroeer algemeen aangegee is as ons stammoeder, sterf op 2-jarige ouderdom en word op 16 November 1672 te Rotterdam begrawe. Op die ouderdom van 5 maande sterf Adriana se vader en op 8-jarige ouderdom sterf haar moeder. Sy word wees gelaat, met die adres Geertruidenberg wat sommer net "den Berg" genoem is. Sy beland in die Gereformeerde Burgerweeshuis in die Goudse Wagenstraat in Rotterdam, Nederland, en word die verkleinwoord Arijantgen of ook sommer Adriaantje genoem. In 1687 besluit die Here Sewentien om weesmeisies van die Rotterdamse weeshuis na die Kaap te stuur as vrouens vir die vryburgers. Saam met sewe ander weesmeisies vertrek sy op Saterdag 20 Maart 1688 vanuit Goere in Holland met die skip "Berg China" en arriveer in die Kaap op Woensdag 4 Augustus 1688."

b1 Jan Gerrit gedoop 21 Aug 1689, X 4 Okt 1711 Magdalena Brits
b2 Jacomyntje gedoop 9 Maart 1692, X 27 Okt 1720 Cornelis van Rooyen, XX B Lindeque
b3 Aletta gedoop 27 Jun 1700, X 8 Apr 1725 Pieter Willem Nel
b4 Johanna Margaretha, X 14 Apr 1726 Philippus Snyman, XX 7 Apr 1735 Johan Heinrich Debes
b5 Jacob * 1705, X 17 Apr 1735 Dorothea Coetzer, XX 15 Jan 1746 Martha Botha, XXX 13 Maart 1748 Hester van Jaarsveld
b6 Geesje gedoop 18 Aug 1707
b7 Hendrik * 1711
b8 Gerrit gedoop Paarl 15 Mei 1713 (die moeder word nie genoem nie), X 30 Okt 1744 Rachel Joubert

Gerrit het op Slot van die Paarl in Perdeberg geboer. Hy koop die plaas St Martyn in Noorder Paarl op 2 Augustus 1703 van Balthasar Weever. Van Deventer verkoop St Martyn op 30 Januarie 1709 aan Jacques Malan.

Hierdie stamouers was die draers van "n oorerflike siekte die volgende inligting het Anne Lehmkuhl vir my in Engels verskaf:
Two of the founders of the European population in South Africa were Gerrit Jansz and his wife Ariaantje Jacobs. Pedigrees have traced the start of porphyria in South Africa to these two individuals. They had eight children, four of whom suffered from porphyria. A critical question asks which of the parents suffered from porphyria? Gerrit Jansz came from the Netherlands (the only other place in the world where porphyria is relatively common) and we know that Ariaantje"s sister had a son with porphyria increasing the likelihood of Ariaantje having porphyria. It could even have been possible for both to have had it (What a coincidence!!!!) Draw a pedigree of Gerrit and Ariaantje"s family. Assume for simplicity that only Gerrit suffered from porphyria and that he was heterozygous (Aa). Determine the genotypes for their eight children. Imagine that all of their children married non-affected individuals, and they each had four children. Determine the probability of Gerrit and Ariaantje"s grandchildren having porphyria and assume that the probability expectations were met in reality. How many of Gerrit and Ariaantje"s grandchildren suffer from porphyria? (Eight) If all the grandchildren married and had four children, how many of Gerrit and Ariaantje"s great grandchildren would suffer from porphyria? (Sixteen)

The History of Porphyria
After the British doctor Geoffrey Dean was settled in South-Africa in 1947 he saw, over a short period of time, many patients with a striking disease. They suffer from stomach-ache, vomiting, constipation, muscular-weakness and restlessness. Some patients suffer attacks of insanity which caused high blood-pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Most of the patients also had skin defects like blisters and strong pigmentation as a result of sun exposure. Recent infectious disease, alcohol abuse or a period of fasting, could provoke the symptoms. But even more often he noticed that medicine and especially barbiturates, anti-epileptics and narcotics used during operations, exhorting the symptoms. Because the disease was unknown, Dean couldn"t give the patients proper treatment. Mostly the patients turned became so sick that treatment was no longer possible. Eventually they died a horrible death. Restless patients were given barbiturates, unfortunately this caused in many cases an even quicker death. The patients with severe belly ache were hospitalized and underwent an operation. The necessary narcotics during the operation often caused a premature death. It was most likely that the new drugs brought to South Africa reveal the sleeping genetic disease, which was present in South Africa long before Dean discovered it. It didn"t take Dean very long to suspect that the disease he saw, was the metabolism disorder porphyria, a rare type not known in Europe. He named this disease Variegata Porphyria (VP). The research took Dean all over the world including the Netherlands. Dean found out that this disease was common among the white farmer families, but less common among the black population. He found out that he was dealing with a fast growing genetic disease. The connection among the farmers and their traditions concerning name giving to their children, was very helpful to Dean with his research. The first son was named after father"s father, the second was named after mother"s father and the third son was named after his own father. If the women gave birth to a daughter she was named after the mother"s mother, the second after the father"s mother and the third daughter after her own mother. It wasn"t after child no.7 where the parents were free to choose a name for their child. In those days it was common to give birth to 7 or more children. It was Dean who identified the "Founder" of porphyria in South Africa. He found out that it was most likely - and DNA research for the last couple of years is making this even more likely - Ariaantje Adriaansse ( Jacobs ). With seven other females (incl. her half-sister Willemijntje ) she arrived in Kaapstad with the VOC-ship "China" in 1688. Ariaantje married Gerrit Janz van Deventer in Stellenbosch. Who exactly passed on the disease to 4 of their 8 children is not quite clear. In Deventer ( Netherlands ) where Gerrit Janz came from, lived and live many people with "Variegata Porphyria" (VP). This makes it likely that Gerrit Janz was the carrier of the genetic defect. But after more research Dean found out that the son of Ariaantje"s half-sister Willemijntje also had VP. So this makes Ariaantje to be the prime suspect of carrying the defect. Dean wrote a book called "The Porphyrias" in 1963. In this book he came to the conclusion that the cause of VP was due to an defect of a dominant gene that was not based on gender (autosomal dominant). If one of the parents carry the disease, 50% of their children will inherit this disease. With genetic research still going on at Erasmus University (Rotterdam, Netherlands) they proved that the South African VP came from the Netherlands ( Ariaanje Adriaansse ) and has spread out from one single source. Willemijntje"s son Hendrik had VP also, just like his mother and his aunt Ariaantje. When Hendrik was caught by the police, because he had a fight with one of the locals, due to alcohol abuse, they deported him to the East. Hendrik the cousin of the "Founder" of all the African people with VP, was deported to Batavia. But he never arrived there, because his ship was stranded on the west-coast of Australia. Hendrik stayed in Australia and most likely brought the disease there.

Daar het`n interressante artikel in die Sunday Times van 20 Maart 1994 verskyn met die titel AFRIKANER LINK TO ABORIGINES DEUR Mike van Niekerk van Perth waarin gepoog word om die koppeling te maak met `n kind van Gerrit Jansz. Daar word onder andere gesê: " A select committee of Western Australia`s state Parliament this week launched an inquiry it hopes will end speculation that about 50 survivors of the 1712 Dutch wreck Zuytdorp intermarried with local tribes and lived out their lives in a desolate and arid region 500 km north of modern Perth"(die voorsitter van hierdie komitee was Phillip Pendal,Parlementslid). Die artikel sê ook: " Researchers at the University of Western Australia`s medical school will be asked to conduct genetic testing of Aborigines in the Shark Bay region.Further tests will be made on the discovered skeletons and a comprehensive archaeological survey will be undertaken in the hope of discovering more relics and grave sites".

Volgens Phillip Playford in sy boek Carpet of Silver: The wreck of the Zuytdorp (1996) is die volgende inligting oor die Zuytdorp skipbreukelinge en Aborigenes

1. Die Aboriginal stam wat naby die Zuytdorp se wraak woon is Malgana.

2. In 1848 het AC Gregory wat hierdie gebied besoek het, melding gemaak van die Aborigines wat se kleur nie swart of kopper is nie maar 'n geel kleur het, wat lyk asof hulle dalk Europese bloed in hulle het.

3. Latere jare het Daisy Bates 'n verlag gegee oor hierdie Aborigines "there was no mistaking the flat heave Dutch face, curly fair hair and heavy stock build" (Ek self was al baie verbaas om pikswart Aborigines te sien met blonde hare)

4. Ken Mallard was die persoon wat Porphyria Variegata gehad het, hy het Aborigine bloed.

5. Daar was drie ander gevalle van persone wat ook Aborigine bloed het wat hierdie siekte het.

6. Dr Geoffrey Dean wat in Dublin woon is die kenner van hierdie siekte en hy het gekyk na die Afrikaner konneksie

7. Twee moontlike teorieë:
i) Volgens die opgaafrol vir 1695 het van Deventer twee seuns gehad. Ons weet net van een seun wat hy met sy vrou gehad het. Heelmoontlik het hy 'n kind gehad voor 1688, maw 'n voorkind heelmoontlik van 'n slawe vrou. Dalk het die kind wat in 1712 dan omtrent 25 jare oud was met die Zuytdorp die Kaap verlaat.
ii) Van Deventer se vrou Ariaantje Jacobs van den Berg kon die draer van die siekte gewees het. Haar half suster Willemyntje Ariens de Witt kon dalk ook die siekte gehad het. Sy het die seun Hendrik Bibault gehad. Hy het die botsing gehad met owerheid, en die owerheid het hom van die Kaap weggestuur. Dalk was dit hy wat op die skip Zuytdorp was en met die Aborigines gemeng het.

8. Dr Dean maak melding van 'n ander intersante verskynsel onder die Aborigines. Baie van hulle lei aan Ellis-van-Crevell sindroom: dit is wanneer 'n persoon 'n ekstra toon of finger het. Die Amish in Amerika het die selfde verskynsel en baie van hulle is van Nederlandse afkoms.

9. Daar is blykbaar geen volbloed Aborigines van die stam Malgana nie. So dit is 'n uitdaging om toetse te doen. Om uit te vind of daar genetiese verbintennis is sal hulle dus toetse moet doen op mense wat oorlede en jare al begrawe is. Dan word daar melding gemaak dat hulle twyfel of die Aborigines toestemming sal gee om hulle voorouers op te grawe en toetse op hulle te doen.

10. Playford met argeologiese opgrawings ens dink dat omtrent 30 persone dalk die skipwrak kon oorlewe het, hy gee al die navorsing en dinge wat geontdek was ivm met hierdie skip: Kampvure, moontlikheid van hutte wat hulle gebou het, muntstukke, glas, "belt buckle", ou stories van die Aborigines oor die skip ens.

Gaan kyk ook onder die stamvader Dietlof Biebouw.


J A Heese/R T J Lombard, South African Genealogies
NA Coetzee "Die Stammoeder Ariaentjie Jacobs of te wel Ariaentjie Ariens" Familia XV 1978 no 1
JG le Roux en WG le Roux Noorder Paarl: Ons Drakensteinse Erfgrond
Phillip Playford in sy boek Carpet of Silver: The wreck of the Zuytdorp (1996)
Personal information from Anne Lehmkuhl

Thanks to research by:

Thanks to submission by:
Mark Barker
AM van Rensburg

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