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WRIGHT, Peter 1796

s/o James & Agnes WRIGHT – born 18 August 1796, Prescot, Merseyside, England (not sure if 8 or 18) – bapt 21 August 1796, Huyton, Prescot, Lancashire - married Margery CRON – progenitors of the South African CRONWRIGHT name – some of their childen used the surname Cronwright and others just Wright though most of them had the 2nd name of Cron – marriage 24 July 1822, Hindley, Lancashire – died 15 April 1843, Philippolis, OFS (more likely Griquatown, Northern Cape – Kimberley is between these 2 towns)

CRON, Margery

d/o Robert & Agnes CRON – born September 1800, Billinge, Lancashire – died 18 May 1886, Grahamstown

Peter WRIGHT & Margery CRON had 9 children

b1  Agnes Cron Wright – married name Thomson

b2  James Steele Cronwright - died possibly 1894

b3  John Cron Wright - born c 1823 – married Mary HUGHES, 21 June 1848, Cradock, Eastern Cape – died 24 November1901, Hopetown, Northern Cape – John & Mary were married for 50 years in July 1898 & living in Hopetown – John & Mary had 9 children

b4 Peter Cronwright – born 1825, Griquatown, Northern Cape – married Jane Harriett MILLS, Jane died 27 May 1882 – Peter died 16 June 1897, Papkuil, distirct Griqualand West, Northern Cape – Peter & Jane had 2 daughters

b5 George Greatbatch Wright - born 1827 Kuruman, Northern Cape – married Annie Amelia BAILIE, 30 January 1856, N G Kerk, Burgersdorp, Eastern Cape – George died 2 June 1906 at his farm in Kranz Drift - lived Krantz Drift, Albany in 1906 – was a Stock Farmer after retiring as a Solicitor - George & Annie had 10 children

b6 Ebenezer Cron Wright - born 1832, Griquatown, Northern Cape – married Emma Kinton WEAKLEY, 4 November 1857, Grahamstown, Emma died 10 Oct 1903 - Ebenezer died 22 December 1891, Albany General Hospital, Grahamstown - All 11 children baptized as Cron Wright in Presbyterian Parish – Grahamstown           

b7  Samuel Cron Wright - born c 1834 – married Zipporah FEATHERSTONE, 15 May 1860, St George's, Grahamstown – Samuel died 15 July 1888, Hill St, Grahamstownoccupation: Accountant at time of death as a young man was a Farmer in Thorn Valley, Bedford area

b8 Elizabeth Cron Wright - born 1839 – married Francis TUDHOPE, 20 January 1863, Sir George Grey ?? , Presbyterian Parish, Grahamstown, Francis died 6 Mar 1902 – Elizabeth died 9 December 1900, Arthur St, King Williamstown, Eastern Cape (KAB-MOOC-6/9/417 - 4584) – Elizabeth & Francis had 6 daughters

b9 Margery Cron Wright – born 1840, Griquatown, Northern Cape – died 25 December 1899 at home of her niece’s husband – A R Radloff

Family Search;
The Grahamstown Journal:

Additional data: Hyperlinks, and SAF added by Stamouers Editor.

SAF; 2018.06

Samuel Cronwright (later Cronwright-Schreiner op aandrang van sy eggenote) * “Gideonshoek”,dist Bedford, Kaap Kolonie 26.1.1863, boer aanvanklik op sy oom se plaas “Featherstone”, dist Graaff-Reinet. Hierna bestuur hy “Krantz Plaas”, dist Cradock, asook verskeie ander plase onder andere in distrikte Matjiesfontein, Middelburg, en Kaapstad. Hy vertrek na Engeland, maar keer ‘n paar maande later terug. Vestig in Kimberley na 1894 en agv finansiële probleme in 1898 verhuis hy na Johannesburg om as leerling-prokureur in te skryf. Weens sy eggenote se gesondheidsprobleme verlaat hulle die stad gedurende 1899. Tydens Tweede ABO word beide hy en sy eggenote kampvegters vir die saak van die Boere, wat groot vyandigheid vir hulle tot gevolg het. Reis selfs na Engeland in 1900 om ‘n veldtog te voer teen Britse militêre optrede. Na die oorlog word hy eiendoms-en assuransie agent te Hanover, KP en ook op De Aar waar hy in 1907 vestig. Word lid van Kaapse Wetgewende Raad in 1902 en bly lid daarvan tot stigting van die Unie van SA in 1910. Na die afsterwe van sy beroemde skryfster eggenote tree hy op as biograaf en redakteur van haar werke tussen 1924-1929. Keer terug na Engeland in 1924 en laat weer die Schreiner-gedeelte van sy van wegneem † Rondebosch 8.9.1936 Ω Buffelskop; s.v. Samuel Cron Cronwright en Zipporah Featherstone x Middelburg Kaap Feb 1894 Olive SCHREINER, skryfster † Londen 10.12.1920 Ω Buffelskop, SA xx c. 1924 Leonora BUSH (voorheen Gann)

Erkenning: SA Biografiese Woordeboek, Vol I

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