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RABE Christiaan, born Copenhagen

Christiaan RABE, born at Copenhagen and died at the Cape 1743.

In his application for discharge from his service in the VOC circar 1730, he applied for burger papers and stated that he was Christiaan RAABE of Koppenhagen who had arrived in 1723 as a lance-corporal in the Magdalena. (no. 62).Source: Leibbrandt, HCV, Requesten, page 951.

He married Johanna Lens on the 9 April 1730 Cape Town.

Christiaan Rabe and Johanna Lens had the following child:

b1. Johannes Rabe, baptised at Cape Town on 9 November 1732 and
      died circa February 1765. He lived in Cape Town.
      He married Barbara Anna le Roes at Stellenbosch 13 April 1755 and left two small children when he died.
        c1. Christiaan Johannes aged 7
        c2. Catharina Johanna aged 5

Sources and Notes:

1. Leibbrandt, HCV, Requesten, page 951, 1729-1732,
RAABE, Christiaan; of Koppenhagen, arrived in 1723 as lance-corporal in the Magdalena; asks for burgher papers. (no. 62)

2. Death of Christiaan Rabe. Cape Archives Online Index. Christiaan Rabe and Johanna Lens drew up a joint will in 1732 (Cape archives online index: MOOC 7/1/6 107 RABE, CHRISTIAAN.  LENS, JOHANNA. WIFE OF CHRISTIAAN RABE. WILL. 1732) – that will was filed with the Orphan Chamber in 1743 (Cape Archives online index: KAB MOOC 7/1/6 107 RABE, CHRISTIAAN. WILL. FILED 1743). That means that one of the couple died in that year. Which one?

The same online index provides the information that Johanna Lens widow of Christiaan Rabe, drew up a new will in 1780:  CJ 2675 54 LENS, JOHANNA. WEDUWEE VAN RABE, CHRISTIAAN, TESTAMENT,  1780. This, if correct, proves that it was Christiaan Rabe who died in 1743.

3. Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Cape Town,  marriage register, 1713-1756, page 20. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Transcribed by Corney Keller, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 621 – from the eGGSA web site.
       1730, 9e ditto, Christiaan Rabe van Coppenhaven, landspassat in dienst der e: comp:e, jongman,
       met Johanna Lens van Cabo de Goede Hoop.

4. Cape Archives. Inventories of the Orphan Chamber of the Cape of Good Hope transcribed by the TEPC team of transcribers and editors

MOOC 8/11, 43
13 Februarij 1765
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen als op den 27 deeser maand Februarij ab intestato metter dood zijn ontruijmt ende naargelaaten door den burger Johannes Rabe, ten voordeele van zijn overgebleevene huijsvrouw Barbara Anna le Roes ter eenree, mitsgaders bij haar in huwelijk verweckte twee kinderen met naamen:
1) Christiaan Johannes oud 7 jaaren
2) Catharina Johanna oud 5 jaren
ter andere zijde
Een huijs en erff staande ende geleegen in deese Tafelvalleij in 't Blok N: en aldaar No: 11 blijkens transport de dato 20:e September 1763

6. Nationaal Archief - VOC - Opvarenden / Voyagers 

Information concerning Christiaan Rave born Coppenhagen

employment start date: 13-01-1723   Employment end date: 04-01-1724
Occupation: Lance corporal   Reason for termination:  Free citizen
Sailed with the ship: Magdalena   Where service ended: Cape of Good Hope
Month certificate: No   Debenture: No

Information concerning the voyage

Ship: Magdalena   Departure: 13-01-1723
Chamber: Zeeland   Cape: 15-05-1723
Inventory number: 12826     28-06-1723
Folio: 105   Arrival Batavia: 26-08-1723

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