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Matthys MICHIELS van Glückstadt, Duitsland, hy sterwe voor 19 Januarie 1700. Hy trou 28 Januarie 1680 met Catharina USTINGS, hy trou die twee keer met Maria VITOUT die weduwee van Daniel Nortier. Maria sterwe 27 April 1711.

b1 Anna Elizabeth gedoop 19 Sep 1681, X 23 Jun 1698 Johan Lourens van Rostock

Volgens Böeseken p 42; Was Matthys se huis op 14 Desember 1697 afgebrand deur Ary van Madagascar. Op die 27 Desember word die vonnis uitgespreek teen Ary, dat hy dood gebrand sal word, sover ons weet is hierdie die enigste keer wanneer so "n vonnis aan die Kaap uitgevoer was.

Heese en Lombard
AJ Böeseken Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape

Saamgestel deur:
AM van Rensburg

NOTE: added by Demornay du Toit, 3 February 2009

Maria Vitout"s date of death is given above as 27th April 1711. That is in fact the date of the vendurol of her estate. Her first inventory is dated 30th March 1711, so she must have died before that date.

Source: TANAP Transcriptions of the inventories of the Orphan Chamber, MOOC 10/1.68 and MOOC 8/2.49.

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